Tuesday, February 12, 2013

30-Day Creative Kid Challenge! #ckchallenge

With another month or two of cold weather still on deck, I've been gathering ideas for fun crafts and activities I can share with my 26-month-old daughter S. She's at such a wonderful age for learning, exploring and experimenting and the last thing I want her to feel is bored and unstimulated during the long hours we're spending indoors! (As a fringe benefit, this may also dissuade her from laying the smack down on her baby brother ;) )

I've already uncovered a bunch of cool projects to try with her, from homemade lava lamps to bath tub science and I'm sure I've just scratched the surface, as Pinterest is proving to be a goldmine for creative kid awesomeness! All this has motivated me to challenge myself and try out a new creative craft or activity with S each day for 30 days straight.

Here are the rules I'm following for this challenge!
  • Each day of the challenge must have a different craft/activity
  • A maximum of 5 activities can be familiar (i.e. ones I have tried out before)
  • Activities must allow the child to participate directly
  • Activities must be safe and use non-toxic materials
  • Activities must involve creativity beyond simply using a commercial product as designed. For example, putting together a beaded jewelry box using a beaded jewelry box construction kit doesn't count! That said, commercial products can be used to supplement a more involved creative activity (e.g. Playdoh).  

I will share each day's activity on FB and Twitter (using the hashtag #ckchallenge), and blog about our experience when the challenge is over! Also, I will be continuously adding to my Creative Toddler Activities Pinterest board to fuel my inspiration! :)

Who's up for taking the 30-Day Creative Kid Challenge with me? Do you have any suggestions for toddler-friendly crafts or activities that would be fun to include?

(Note: I will be starting this challenge today (February 12) however feel free to start whenever this works for you!)


  1. Great challenge. I do some type of craft every day that we don't go outside. It really makes my little guy happy. Pinning this.

    1. Thanks for the pin Kristen! As I'm sure you noticed, I got a lot of inspiration from your own board. Awesome stuff!

  2. What a fun idea! I need to think of some new activity ideas perfect for my little guy's age group (21 months).

  3. Your challenge sounds fun! I have been great taking the kids outdoors this winter, but I definitely could use some ideas for indoor activities. My favourite activities are the ones that don't leave mom a huge mess ;)


  4. Great idea. If I had time I would for sure take part. My kids are crafty little gals.

  5. Great idea! We've been very arts and crafty lately! Being stuck inside, makes the kids ansy! Arts and crafts are the perfect solution!
