Friday, February 18, 2011


I've been researching methods on how to get more hits to my blog, and, as expected, there is muchos content out there on the interwebs on this topic.

One of the first things I tried out the other day was subscribing to some blog toplists. For these to work well, however, I need to swallow my pride and ask for some assistance. ;) If you enjoy reading my blog, please take a sec to click one or both of the image links below - this'll help bump me up higher in the corresponding listings. These links are also permanently displayed along the right hand side so they can be shown love at any time! :)

Thanks muchly!

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory


  1. Are you following a lot of blogs? Following other blogs and commenting on them increases your readership...

    Heck, I started my blog in July with zero followers and I have over 100 now.

  2. Following a few. Commenting on fewer, so I should work on that! :) Also thinking of joining a msg board or two. Could get some good kiddo tips that way as well!

  3. Hi from Ottawa!
    ...I'm enjoying your blog and have voted! :)
    -Christina (friend of Kel's)

  4. Thanks Christina - glad you're enjoying my blog! :)
