Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Memorable Monday 4/11

OK so it's technically Tuesday now, but we'll let that slip, right? :)

This week's list:
  • Simple Organic for inspiring me to go screen-free for a week later this month (or at least limit screen time, because let's be realistic here :). The article links to some great resources containing dozens of ideas for spending fun, creative family time outdoors (or indoors with the TV off when the weather is less than ideal.) Very helpful to me as I'm a researcher and assimilator; not a creator per se!
  • Nicki's Diapers (via guest poster Sarah) for a fascinating article on cloth diapering a preemie. Definitely something you don't hear about day to day! Heck, we didn't even CD our sizely newborn daughter until she was almost 2 weeks old (though next time around, assuming there is a next time, I'd like to start from day 1!)


  1. hi i'm ur new follower...you can find me at http://amomhelpingmoms.blogspot.com

  2. Hey!! It is Stacie from Love you Always & Forever! I know you have been faithful at entering my giveaway for Tea clothing and I am sure at some point when you tried to enter today my comments weren't working? Well they are back now! But I also wanted to add for being such a faithful tweeter etc give yourself +5 extra entries into any giveaway on my blog! :) Thanks a ton!

  3. Ooops wrote under the wrong profile! LOL! This is me!!

  4. Thanks for following, Joan and Stacie!

    Stacie - emailing you about that...
